A Gun Control Proposal for America In 3 Steps

1 Jan


Here is My Gun Control Proposal in 3 Steps:

1. Banning of All Assault Weapons, Semi-Automatic Rifles, etc. Including a buyback on all banned weapons. This includes a limit on ammunition purchases (similar to the Sudafed limit) and also a ban on all riot-related gear including bullet proof vests, smoke and flash grenades etc.
2. Complete Reform on Gun Purchasing…i.e. 1 year wait for high-powered weapons including handguns, 6 month wait for hunting-related rifles. Mandatory class and certification for each weapon category, extremely strict penalties including long sentences for anyone caught with an unregistered weapon (including the person who owns it if not reported stolen or missing).
3. A complete overhaul of the Mental Health system, including free access to all to Mental Health services, training for all teachers and education professionals, and counselors at schools must be certified in mental health practices.

(Along with this I do believe in the short term having trained security personnel stationed at schools, malls and other public places would help drastically in reducing the number of instances in the next few years years while this policy was being put in place)

Along with this legislation….I believe we should start working on technologies that will prevent this from occurring in the first place….whether it be:

1. a governor that only allows one to shoot a certain number of shots before it shuts of for a set period of time
2. Palm identification on the grip that only allows the registered owner to fire the weapon
3. Wireless technology that automatically disables the weapons when entering certain restricted zones

To me the answer is 3 fold….

1) get the worst types of weapons out of society
2) make sure those who own guns are the most responsible and of good mind.
3) Work on technologies that would solve the problem for us (like those listed above).

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